About me.

Just some general details:

Full Name: Alya Omar Khalid.
Date of Birth: 5th of August 1995.
Age: 18.
Country of Birth: Oman
Country of Residence: Oman
Currently studying in: Cardiff, Wales, UK. ( Highly recommend it).
University I'm enrolled in: Cardiff University.
Course: BSc Exploration and Resource Geology. (First year)


Music Genre: Indie-rock, pop, mainstream music. ( Best music-related site - 8tracks)
Movie Genre: Romantic-comedies, Action, Horror (Occasionally).
Colour: Black.
Sport: No favourite sport. I have no athletic abilities whatsoever.
Artist: -
Band: The xx, Coldplay.


Shy, Geeky, lazy, musical, adventurous, ambitious, always dreaming and wandering around.

Hobbies or abilities?

I can play the drums. Finished all the grades. Almost. Haha.


Mom, dad and one sister. Pretty close to some of my extended family as well.

If you would like to find out some more. Just contact me and feel free to ask any questions.


With love,


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